Black Goddess Silk vs. Satin Casual dresses for women which one do you prefer?
We will be dropping our silk and satin dresses in a few days so be on the look out. Before you line up ready to order your dress let’s go over the difference between the two. Silk came from China. This material is what the Emperor of Ancient China had on. People love silk because of its soft, pleasing, polish, and expensive appeal. The strength and durability if taken care of last a long time. Silk is good for people with sensitive skin. Great insulator to keep you warm. If you wash your casual silk dress it will shrink. Silk has protein coated fibers called sericin.
Satin also came from China from woven fabrics silk, polyester, nylon is how you get Satin. Known for its smooth, buttery, soft texture. Satin not so gentle on the skin and will shrink if you was it.
Our casual dresses for women will have silk and satin dresses available in two weeks. Both these dresses will make you feel like the life of the party or any event. These casual dresses for women are authentic and nice. So we ask you ladies which casual dress do you feel is better, the silk, or the satin?
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